Doc Mcstuffins Funny Put Them Down

The Doc is in!

Doc McStuffins is a preschool-targeted CGI-animated children's series on Disney Junior featuring a child doctor who runs a clinic for stuffed animals and toys. The series was one of the first announced for Disney Junior, which replaced Playhouse Disney. However, it did not begin airing until Valentine's Day, 2012 with the premiere of the 24/7 Disney Junior network in the United States.

In each episode, the eponymous Doc uses her magic stethoscope to bring toys to life and then diagnoses and heals a sick or damaged toy. With its complex characters and willingness to buck the general format of similar shows currently on the air, the program has been described as "Cheers for preschoolers" and has amassed a sizeable audience.

The second season started in mid-2013, and ended on Spring 2015. The third season started on Summer 2015, and ended on Spring 2016. The fourth season premieres officially on July 30, 2016, though the premiere has already been made available through Disney Junior's online/mobile service. The new season introduces a new concept to the show: McStuffinsville and a toy hospital in which Doc can help out not just the toys from her neighborhood, but toys from all around the world. Thanks to a celebrity campaign the series has been green-lit for a fifth season, making it the first Disney show all together to break the standard limit of four seasons. The show is created by Chris Nee, and is the second Disney show to be created by a woman. As of September 2017, it has the distinction of being the longest running Disney Junior show in terms of total episodes since the network changed to that name from Playhouse Disney.

On April 4, 2018, Lara Jill Miller, voice of Lambie, said that the last episode of the last season has been recorded, ending the show after five seasons. The show ended on April 18, 2020.

Now with a brand new recap page. Give it a cuddle.

Doc McStuffins features examples of:

  • Absentee Actor: Doc, Stuffy and Lambie were the only characters to appear in every episode.
    • Chilly was absent for 13 episodes: "Knight Time", "Run Down Race Car", "Tea Party Tantrum", "Blast Off!", "Arcade Escapade", "Stuck Up", "All Washed Up", "Wrap It Up", "Get Set to Get Wet", "To Squeak, or Not to Squeak", "Brontosaurus Breath", "Don't Knock the Noggin" and "Slip N' Slide".
    • Hallie was absent for 6 episodes: "Arcade Escapade", "Stuck Up", "Get Set to Get Wet", "To Squeak, or Not to Squeak", "Don't Knock the Noggin" and "The Doctor Will See You Now".
    • In The Doc Files, Lambie was missing from "Ronda's Run Down Rotors", Stuffy was missing from "Hippo's Rip", Hallie was missing from "Gustov Gator's Gulp", "Chilly Willies", "Boppy's Boo Boo", "Mr. Chomps' Chompers" and "Ronda's Run Down Rotors", and Chilly was missing from "The Lamb's Exam", "Gustov Gator's Gulp" and Mr. Chomps' Chompers"
  • The Ace: The Dude.
  • Acquired Situational Narcissism: Hallie gets this in "Big Head Hallie", after finding out she's part of a toy line based on a popular cartoon character.
  • Acting for Two: In-universe with the episode "Big Head Hallie", Hallie decides to play all the roles of the gang's "Save the princess from the dragon" game.
  • Advanced Tech 2000: In "Arctic Rescue: The Great McStuffins Meltdown," a lot of the technology in the "improved" McStuffinsville Hospital, such as the Checkup 3000, is named this way.
  • Afraid of Needles: Boomer the soccer ball hates being filled up because he's afraid of the pump. The scenario works out suspiciously similar to a kid being afraid of a hypodermic needle, but that's probably the intended effect anyways. In the book version, Boomer Gets His Bounce Back, Boomer specifically states that he's scared of needles and Doc tells him that she's always scared when she has to get a shot with a needle from her doctor, but her mother comes and helps her feel brave.
  • Agony of the Feet: This happens to Sidney the Karate Kangaroo in "Black Belt Kangaroos" after he kicks a LEGO-like wall trying to a karate move that he wasn't ready for.
  • Air Hugging: Lambie's general shtick is to give cuddles whenever possible. However, there have been a couple of instances where there was something preventing actual cuddling, so she gave an "air cuddle" instead.
  • All Animals Are Dogs: Despite being a brontosaurus, Bronty's personality and mannerisms are essentially those of a large, playful, hyperactive dog. Even the sound of his voice strongly evokes this image. Also, Squibbles is basically a ball of fuzz with eyes, a nose and mouth, colorful stripes, legs, and antennae. His behavior, however, is like that of a small, very excitable dog and he basically makes noises like a dog.
  • All-CGI Cartoon: One of the earliest original offerings for Disney Junior, it has proven a mainstay of their computer generated animated franchises and is generally praised for looking quite nice. It later did a crossover with the CGI versions of the Pooh characters, featuring a similar look to their Playhouse Disney My Friends Tigger & Pooh appearance.
  • Alliterative Family: "Dottie" (Doc's real name) McStuffins and Donnie.
  • Alliterative Name: Doc's Dad's name is Marcus, making him Marcus McStuffins. There's also Doc's new adoptive baby sister, Maya.
  • All Just a Dream: In "First Responders to the Rescue," when the boy Dev is accidentally transported to the Toy Hospital, Stuffy tells him that he's still in his bedroom and he's just having a dream. Despite Stuffy sounding less than convincing, Dev buys it until Stuffy ruins by saying it won't hurt if he pinches himself, then does so and shouts in pain, then accidentally steps on Dev's foot, causing him to feel pain too and decide that what's happening must therefore be real.
  • All There in the Manual: The supplementary book Doc McStuffins: My World states that Doc's father is a chef. This is never mentioned on the series itself.
  • Alternate Catchphrase Inflection: Usually, Doc says her catchphrase "The Doc is in!" cheerfully, but in "Doctoring the Doc" she says it in a sleepy, unenthusiastic voice because she has the flu.
  • Animation Bump: Starting with Season 5, the series now boasts brighter animation, characters, and settings.
  • Are We There Yet?: In "Doc to the Rescue," Stuffy asks this as he and Lambie travel with Doc to a neighboring house to help a toy stuck in a tree. The first two times he asks the question, the answer from Lambie is "no." The third time, the answer is "yes." The fourth time, Stuffy starts to ask the question, only to stop when he realizes he got a "yes" to the last one.
  • Art Shift
    • Has a few mini-episodes called "Doc Files" that usually show in between commercials (or after the main show in markets where Disney Junior has no commercials) where Doc relates a past case. When she does so, the style switches to 2D flash style animation.
    • In "Into the Hundred Acre Wood," when Pooh explains why he's using balloons to float, he's shown with a thought bubble depicting him using the balloon to get honey from the bees in the traditional 2D animation style of the older Pooh animation.
  • Ascended Extra: Professor Hootsburgh gets some extra focus in later seasons, taking responsibility for the toys in the new baby's nursery, and also teaching the medical students in the "Toy Hospital" segments.
    • Scarlet also has some focus in some "Arctic Rescue" episode shorts.
    • Wildlife Will was given huge roles in all "Ultimate Safari" episode shorts.
  • Baby Talk: Waddly Penguin, being a toy for a baby, Suki, speaks in this manner. Doc herself speaks this way when talking to Suki. Also, Lala, the toy Doc chooses for her adoptive sister, full-stop.
  • Babysitting Episode: "Bringing Home Baby" has Grandma McStuffins babysitting Doc and Donny while Mom and Dad McStuffins went off to bring Maya home.
  • Baldness Means Sickness: Audrey (who is heavily implied to have cancer) is said to be going through chemotherapy, and at one point, she takes her hat off to reveal that she's bald.
  • Balloonacy: The reason why Pooh is floating in the air in "Into the Hundred Acre Wood," per usual.
  • Banana Peel: In the "Me and My Guide" song from "Toy Hospital: Mole Money, Mole Problems," this is averted. The guide dog Mountie navigates Hil the toy mole around one.

    Doc McStuffins: Looks like you two are perfect together.

  • Bare Your Midriff: Doc's warm weather outfit.
  • Big Eater: The Gulpy-Gulpy Gators. They practically try to eat everything on site after Doc animates them.
  • Big Fun: Bronty— when he first meets the other toys, he plays really rough and ends up causing a spate of "Bronty Boo-boos."
  • Big "NO!": Lambie did this in "Top Lamb" when Doc was about to put the toy cupcakes in the oven of the pink kitchen that was messed up.
  • Big Storm Episode:
    • "The Big Storm" in Season 2
    • "First Responders to the Rescue" in Season 4
  • Bindle Stick: Pickles the bunny creates one using a paintbrush in "The Bunny Blues" when she believes that her owner has decided to sell her in a yard sale.
  • Birthday Episode:
    • "Hallie's Happy Birthday" for Hallie
    • "Chip Off the Ol' Box" for Buddy
    • "Winded Winnie" for Donny
    • "Bouncy House Boo-Boos" for Boppy
    • "Birthday Party Emergency" for Tarantu-Lon's new toy owner
  • Blind Without 'Em:
    • Professor Hootsburgh cannot read without glasses.
    • Hallie the hippo claims to be blind without her glasses, though a point-of-view shot establishes the actual fuzzy nearsightedness. Becomes a plot point in her Forgotten Birthday episode, where Doc makes her take off her glasses so the other toys can finish setting up for her surprise party.
    • Also, in the episode Starry, Starry Night, Aurora the telescope is blind without her eyepiece, mistaking the aquarium for a big-screen TV, Lambie for a dog and Chilly for Stuffy, who she thinks is a porcupine. As in the case of Hallie, this is reinforced with point-of-view shots, which indeed shows what she sees as a blurry mess.
  • Bookends:
    • "Right on Lefty" begins and ends with Awesome Guy saving Lambie.
    • "A Pet for Everyone" begins with Doc, Hallie and Chilly watching Stuffy and Lambie playing with their pets, and near the end of the episode shows Doc and Chilly watching Stuffy, Lambie and Hallie playing with their pets.
    • Not counting the airing order of episode lists of the series, but in production order of episode lists, Season 4 begins and ends with 46 minute episodes.
  • A Boy, a Girl, and a Baby Family: The McStuffins family adopted a baby, which they named Maya. An entire arc of several stories was dedicated to it.
  • The Bus Came Back: After the Season 3 episode "The Scrappiest Dragon", Donny was absent for the entire Season 4. He returned in the third Season 5 episode "The Doc McStuffins Christmas Special".
    • After the Season 3 episode "Going for Broke", Doc's clinic was absent for the entire Season 4. It returned in the eleventh Season 5 episode "Lost and Found".
  • Busman's Holiday: Doc can't go anywhere without encountering a broken toy that needs her. This includes a trip to the park, a day of fun at the arcade, or even a visit to the White House.
  • Camping Episode:
    • "Out in the Wild" in Season 1
    • "The Lady in the Lake" in Season 3
  • Caretaker Reversal: In "Doctoring the Doc", Doc, who is usually The Medic to her Living Toys, catches the flu. As such, her toys try to be the ones to take care of her for a change, helping her get water and trying to diagnose her.
  • Casting Gag:
    • Big and Little Jack, a father and son pair, are voiced by Ty Burrell and Nolan Gould, respectively. Wonder where the casting agency got that idea?
    • In one episode, Lambie tries to prove herself responsible by taking care of a toy kitten. Lara Jill Miller made her voice acting debut in the role of Kari Kamiya, who had a pet cat and was later matched with a feline Digimon partner.
  • Catchphrase:
    • "I'm really good at fixing toys."
    • "I have a diagnosis!"
    • "I haven't lost a toy yet!"
    • "You look like you could use a cuddle!"
    • In-universe: In "The Super Amazing Ultra Hoppers," the three robots D'ambrosio, Dellorto and DiNardo have a catchphrase: "Hoppers together, teamwork forever!" Stuffy notes that they say it a lot and one of them replies that it's their catchphrase. Stuffy then decides he needs a catchphrase of his own, but is only to come up with "Dragons are great, served on a plate." Later, he rejects "A dragon on the shelf is better than an elf" and asks for Hallie's help, but she tells him he's on his own. Then, after Stuffy takes a bad landing while trying hop, Hallie snarks "Dragons can't hop. Instead, they just flop."
    • "Space-tastic!" for Commander Crush.
  • Chained Heat: When Sir Kirby and the Wicked King get glued together, they must cooperate to get to Doc from Donny's bedroom.
  • Christmas Episode: A Very McStuffins Christmas in Season 2 & The Doc McStuffins Christmas Special in Season 5
  • Christmas Miracle: Stuffy, Lambie, Hallie and Chilly sing a song titled this near the end of "The Doc McStuffins Christmas Special".
  • Chronic Hero Syndrome: Almost inevitably, any "hero" toy that is made to rest by the Doc after getting injured will ignore doctor's orders if they see another toy in trouble. This will then lead to them getting injured again and Doc having to fix them again, followed by what passes from her as a stern talking-to about obeying doctor's orders. The only one who seems able to resist is Awesome Guy. He's so awesome that when he injures his arm, he's able to make a save using the super-strength of his legs.
  • Conditioned to Accept Horror: Downplayed example with Florence Nightingale's toys. Doc's toys are absolutely horrified to find out that they've been broken/damaged for months but as Florence and her toys point out, Florence had no idea how to repair them before Doc came along and she didn't have access to anyone who could help either so they had accepted that being broken was their new lot in life.
  • Cone of Shame: A dog can be seen wearing one of these in the vet's office in "Take Your Pet to the Vet." Additionally, in "Liv Long and Pawsper," Doc puts Luna's Robot Dog rover, Liv, in one of these after he starts scratching when she glues his antenna back on. She also mentions that her friend Emmy's dog had wear one once for a few days.
  • Continuity Snarl: In "Big Head Hallie", Doc mentions that her parents got Hallie for her. But a flashback in "Bringing Home Baby" shows that it was Grandma McStuffins who gave Hallie to Doc after she had her tonsils removed.
  • Cool Big Sis: Doc to Donnie, and later Maya.
  • Crossdressing Voices:
    • Penny Possum's babies were all three voiced by one girl.
    • Louie the toy phone was voiced by Georgie Kidder.
    • Pandora and Snuggs were voiced by female actresses Ashley Edner & Deedee Magno Hall.
    • Dee Bradley Baker voices most of the female pet toys including Bella the Poodle and Liv the Robot Dog.
  • Crossover: A special episode that aired on January 18, 2017 (National Winnie the Pooh Day) featured characters from Winnie-the-Pooh.
  • Cuddle Bug:
    • Lambie and Val in "My Huggy Valentine"
    • Lambie's main duty at the clinic seems to be dispensing cuddles, which are apparently a legitimate and vital part of several treatments.
  • Cuteness Proximity:
    • Several of the characters have a tendency to behave this way around cute toys, animals or babies, particularly Doc herself and Lambie. Though both are professionals and can put it aside to get to work.
    • In "Toy Hospital: Waddly's Huggy Overload," Waddly Penguin has a bad case of this and startles both a horse and puppy until Doc and the others show her the proper way to meet and play with pets.
  • Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: Donny's friend Will only appears for three episodes of the first season and does not return or get a mentioned during the final 4 seasons.
    • Henry disappears after season 3 without any mentions while Emmie, Alma and Luca only makes cameos though this is probably due to the show changing settings.
    • Squeakers only appears in two episodes of the last two seasons as a background character while nobody acknowledge his presence.
  • Delivery Stork: He delivers the toy babies in the Toy Hospital.
  • Dinosaurs Are Dragons: Played with— when Stuffy (dragon) and Bronty (brontosaurus) meet, the Doc says that they are like family and that they could be cousins. In a later installment, Bronty refers to Stuffy as "Cousin Stuffy."
  • Distant Duet: The song "Twisted Tail Blues" from "Bronty's Twisted Tail" is this between Bronty and Stuffy.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?:
    • Some of the problems the toys have are comparable to actual medical conditions.
    • There's an episode called "Commander No" in which the toy Commander Crush doesn't want to be tickled by the toy gorilla, Gloria, but she wouldn't stop because even though he said "no" and told her to stop, she didn't think he really meant it. Wow, yeah, okay.
    • In "The New Nurse", Dress-Up Daisy spends much of the episode not believing that Dress-Up Declan, who was introduced wearing a suit and changes in to various masculine outfits, is actually a nurse. She even says that she thought only girls could be nurses and tries to get him to put on a cowboy outfit and other male outfits.
  • Dog Walks You: In "The Lady in the Lake," Stuffy and Squibbles do what Stuffy calls a "skiing show" in the sand, but what is really basically just this.
  • Doomy Dooms of Doom: In "Toy Hospital: Mole Money, Mole Problems," the final test for a guide pet is the "distracted pedestrian of doom."

    Chilly: I am walking and talking on my phone and not paying one bit of attention to where I am going. Doo doo doo...

  • Duck!: In "Frida Fairy Flies Again," when Frida starts trying to fly even though her wing is ripped, Doc calls out to duck and Chilly is confused because he thought she was a fairy, not a duck.
  • Edutainment Show: The main thrust of the program is to show children what happens at the doctor's office and make them less fearful of a checkup, but there are also the general pro-social lessons often included with this type of show.
  • Embarrassing Damp Sheets: "Hazel Has A Sleepover" features Hazel, a water-squirting toy elephant who has a problem with her trunk leaking. Her predicament is used as a metaphor to teach kids about bedwetting.
  • Embarrassing First Name: Percy the Wicked King.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: In "The Wicked King and the Mean Queen", the Wicked King gives up the chance to win a game when he sees Queen Amina, his opponent, is hurt. When she asks why he did that, he replies, "I revel in being wicked, but I do not ever want anyone to get hurt." In another episode, he has to choose between winning and having a friend, and chooses to a have a friend.
  • Everyone Laughs Ending: Some episodes end with characters laughing such as "The Rip Heard Round the World", "Disco Dress-Up Daisy" and "On a Roll".
  • Exhaustion-Induced Idiocy: In one episode, Doc stays up late at her slumber party, so she's sleepy in the morning and she pours orange juice into her cereal instead of milk.
  • Expressive Ears: Seen on Pickles the bunny in "The Bunny Blues". Tundra, a stuffed bear doctor in "McStuffins School of Medicine" also has them. Also, Stuffy has these sort of antenna-things that can get pretty droopy when he's sad about something. These are also seen on the Karate Kangaroos, Angus and Sydney.
  • Extra-Long Episode: "Welcome to McStuffinsville", "First Responders to the Rescue", "Bedazzled!" and "The Great McStuffins Meltdown" were the only 4 episodes that are 46 minutes long.
  • Extremely Short Timespan: During Season 3, the episodes "Bringing Home Baby", "Baby Names" and "Night Night Lala" all took place on one whole day and one night like 3-part stories.
  • Fake Interactivity: Consciously avoided in the main show, as the creator didn't want to make a show like this with so many of them already out there, but used in the segments in the closing credits in which the titular Doc quizzes the viewer on a subject related to hygiene or health. As of season 2, this is no longer used.
  • Famed in Story: Doc thinks Pooh looks familiar upon seeing him floating in the air on balloons and recognizes him immediately when he says that he's Pooh.
  • Fangirl: In "Into the Hundred Acre Wood," this is Doc's reaction every time she meets one of the Pooh characters, with a dose of Cuteness Proximity as well when she meets Piglet, squeezing his face and calling him a cutie-patootie. Hallie also has a fangirl reaction to Pooh.
  • Fantasy Helmet Enforcement: It's discovered that Super Stuntman Steve is missing his in "Don't Knock the Noggin." Super Stuntman Steve thinks this is totally not rad because Super Stuntman Steve never rides without his helmet. Doc McStuffins would never think of doing so either.
  • First Day of School Episode: "First Day of Med School" where Stuffy, Lambie and Chilly first become Med Students.
  • Formula-Breaking Episode: Most episodes feature Doc solving a problem involving one of the Living Toys, but in "Doctoring the Doc", she doesn't get a chance to because she has the flu and none of the toys have a problem.
  • Fountain of Youth: Lambie, Stuffy, Hallie and Chilly fall in the baby machine and get turned into babies in "Lambie and the McStuffins Babies".
    • In "Adventures in Babyland", they did it again along with Doc while still searching for CeCe.
  • Four Legs Good, Two Legs Better: Lambie mostly stands and walks on two legs, but sometimes, she stands and walks on all fours.
    • Moo Moo usually stands on all fours. But when wearing a tutu, she stands on two legs.
    • Sproingo Boingo mostly stands on all fours, but sometimes, he stands on two legs.
  • Friendly Rivalry: Professor Hootsburgh the stuffed owl has one with Li'l Egghead the handheld trivia game.
  • Friendly Tickle Torture: In "Commander No," Gloria intends the tickling she does to Commander Crush to be this, but for him it's just Tickle Torture because he told her to stop, but she didn't, thinking he didn't really mean it.
  • Full-Name Ultimatum: Hallie gives one to Doc, calling her by her real name "Dottie."
  • Furry Confusion: A toy animal anthropomorphism level variant. The "normal" non-talking black striped warm silver tabby queen cat that Queen Amina gets for a pet and the "normal" non-talking stray snake water toy belong to the same toy brand as a talking pink tabby cat and a talking snake water toy respectively who show up earlier in the series.
  • Generic Name: Awesome Guy. Is a superhero. No words on that one, I can tell you...
  • Gesundheit: In "The New Girl," Stuffy says "bless you" after Kiko says "Arigato gozaimasu." (A formal "thank you") This is also his reaction to Stanley's Un-Evil Laugh in "Welcome to the Toy Hospital."
  • Girlish Pigtails: Doc McStuffins herself sports these, along with a purple hairband with a pink flower.
  • Glitch Episode: This show sometimes has these with the electronic Living Toys:
    • In "Li'l Egghead Feels the Heat", Egghead the trivia toy begins saying random words and phrases instead of what he intends to say. Doc discovers that it's because he's too hot.
    • In "A Good Case of the Hiccups", Millie the sentient microphone keeps repeating words, which other characters liken to the hiccups.
    • Subverted in one episode, where it seems like Ricardo the remote controlled toy racecar is broken, but actually he just needs to charge.
  • Go-to-Sleep Ending: Episodes "Dark Knight, "Shark Style Toothache", "Professor Pancake" and "Let the Nightingale Sing" end with Doc and all her toys going to sleep.
    • "Night Night, Lala" also ends with Maya going to sleep with Lala.
    • "The Best Therapy Pet Yet" ends with Hazel sleeping with Squibbles and Doc wheeling a sleeping Stuffy in the wheelchair out of Hazel's hospital room.
  • Got Volunteered
    • This happens to Stuffy in "Dragon's Best Friend" when toy pet of some sort named Squibbles takes a shine to him. Stuffy doesn't really like him at first because he finds him annoying because he keeps tailing after him and doing stuff like jumping on him and licking him. But when Squibbles is scared of getting a checkup from Doc, Stuffy is volunteered to accompany him to calm him down because he's the only one that can and then later is volunteered to keep him busy while Doc heads out to put up signs to try to find his owner.
    • Stuffy is also "volunteered" to check things out when the group briefly catches a glimpse of Tigger after first arriving in the Hundred Acre Wood in "Into the Hundred Acre Wood."
  • Gratuitous Japanese: In "The New Girl", Kiko is introduced. Hence being a Japanese action figure, she speaks Japanese and English as well. She greets them saying "Arigato gozaimasu", a formal way of saying "thank you" in Japanese.
  • Green Aesop: The "Toyarctic" starts to melt down after the Wicked King installs a lot of fancy new robotic technology in McStuffinsville Toy Hospital in "Arctic Rescue: The Great McStuffins Meltdown." It's discovered that the power cable that carries the load for McStuffinsville, which terminates in the arctic, is carrying twenty times the normal load, resulting in it massively overheating. It is unplugged temporarily to stop the situation and eventually solar panels are installed at the hospital. Everyone learns a lesson both about how what they do can affect the environment around them, as well as one about technology not being able to replace good old-fashioned doctoring care.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: Lambie gets jealous when Val shows up on the show in "My Huggy Valentine."
  • Green Gators: Gustave the Gulpy, Gulpy Gator is green all over. Justified since he's a toy.
  • Guilt-Induced Nightmare: A variation in "It's a Hard Doc Life". After Doc indirectly causes a flood in the toy hospital, she starts to feel remorseful and inadequate as a doctor. She dreams about Hallie showing her that life would not have been better without her; several toys would not have been fixed, McStuffinsville would have been a wasteland taken over by Stanley, Stuffy would be forced to work in a tower, Chilly would live in a freezing tundra, and Lambie would perform in an empty theater. Doc realizes that her toys do need her, and by the time she wakes up, she's ready to help again.
  • Halloween Episode:
    • "Boo-Hoo to You! / Glow Time," which premiered on October 12, 2012. In the first story, a toy ghost is afraid of Halloween. In the second, a normally glowing toy has "no-glow-atosis."
    • "Hallie Halloween / Don't Fence Me In," which premiered on October 9, 2015. In the first story, Hallie wanders off and gets separated from the rest of the gang, imparting an important lesson about staying safe on Halloween. In the second segment, Gustav Gator tries to catch the marbles from Doc's Gulpy Gulpy Gators game and gets his head stuck in a fence.
  • Happy Birthday to You!: In "Hallie's Happy Birthday", there was a song called "It's Your Birthday".
  • Happy Place: In "Toy Hospital: Check-Up Chilly" Chilly states that stacking charts puts him in his happy place.
  • Harmless Villain: Percy the Wicked King. Easily put into place by Doc, and the worst he's done is act like a schoolground bully with no grievous harm to other toys (see Even Evil Has It's Standards above).
  • Here We Go Again!: At the end of "Welcome to McStuffinsville", Robot Ray calls Doc and the gang that they have another toy emergency.
  • Heroic BSoD: Lambie suffers one in "My Huggy Valentine" when she feels ignored by Doc after the latter spends a lot of time with Val.
  • Hey, That's My Line!: Lambie in "My Huggy Valentine" after Val says, "you look like you could use a cuddle."
    • Says this again in "Stuffy's Ambulance Ride" after Darla tells her that she looks like she could use a cuddle, but this time she doesn't mind someone else saying it.
    • Stuffy also says this in "What a Quack" while he, Lambie and Chilly were chasing after a toy duck named Quackson who refuses to to come to the hospital after Lambie repeats his line "Follow that duck!".
  • Hiccup Hijinks: Millie the Microphone suffers from "Repeat-itis".
  • Hypochondria: One of the main characters is a hypochondriac stuffed snowman named Chilly who regularly fears melting (he's not made of real snow), getting broken bones (he's a stuffed toy) and catching various illnesses that aren't contagious.
  • I Always Wanted to Say That: Lambie always states that she's always wanting to be or do something fun.

    Lambie: I always wanted to be a singer.

  • Injection Plot: In "Busted Boomer", an anthropomorphic soccer ball named Boomer gets deflated. Doc says he has to get a shot to be reinflated, but he's Afraid of Needles. Doc and the other toys help him overcome his fear. This episode is meant to teach kids about why it's important to get shots.
  • Injured Limb Episode: In "Run, Doc, Run", Doc sprains her ankle and Dart the toy unicorn fractures her leg. Hallie gets mad at them both for trying to walk on their bad legs.
  • Is There a Doctor in the House?: Stuffy says this in "Doctoring the Doc", "The Doctor Will See You Now" and "On Call Ball".
  • It's a Wonderful Plot: The Grand Finale.
  • It's the Best Whatever, Ever!: In the Christmas Episode, Stuffy declares it the best Christmas ever and punctuates it for emphasis.
  • I Want My Mommy!: In "Lambie and the McStuffins Babies," the baby-fied Lambie cries out "I want my Doc-y" after she and the baby-fied Hallie, Chilly and Stuffy are scooped up and carried in a bag by the Delivery Stork.
  • Job Song: The main theme is about Doc's job as a toy repair girl.
  • Keet:
    • Stuffy again.
    • Also, Bronty acts like one of those 6 year olds that are wired on orange sodas. You know, kinda hooked on energy drinks. And he is even more of a Keet than Stuffy is, which is saying something.
  • Kick Chick: Kiko, the Japanese action doll Doc got from her grandmother. She even has an action kick, as portrayed on her box. Doubles as a Genki Girl.
  • Kindhearted Cat Lover: Lambie, already a cute stuffed lamb who wants to give everyone a cuddle, becomes this in the Pet Vet installment "Smitten With a Kitten" when she adopts Whispers, an adorable but skittish pink toy kitten.
  • Last-Minute Baby Naming: The McStuffins family doesn't yet have a name for the baby in the adoption arc when they bring her home, though the birth mother likes "Alanna," so they use that as a middle name. Mr. McStuffins admits also they didn't have names for Doc (Dottie) and Donnie when they were first born either. One of the episodes of the adoption arc, "Baby Names," is about choosing a name. (It's Maya.)
  • Licensed Game: three games for Apple iOS devices was released[1]. Also, three (one game and two e-books) for the Leap Frog LeapPad and Leapster Explorer toys and one for the V-Tech InnoTab and MobiGo toys, plus a video for the InnoTab.
  • Market-Based Title: Apparently, in Japan, the show's called Doc the Toy Doctor (ドックはおもちゃドクター )[2]
  • The Masquerade: Doc keeps it a secret that she can bring toys to life. She even tells them to "go stuffed" when someone else approaches.
  • Meaningful Name: Doc's last name was McStuffins, and love her toys because she fixes them.
  • Medical Game: Doc and Hallie's Checkup Challenge (a licensed game) is about trying to fix all the toys before the time runs out.
  • Merchandise-Driven: The "Pet Vet" series seems like it may be at least in part this because it's accompanied by a huge merchandise push, some of which was released even before the official television premiere.
  • "Metaphor" Is My Middle Name: Stuffy uses this in "Think Pink!" after Hallie tells him and Lambie they need to stay cool. He then admits his middle name is actually Philbert.
    • Hallie also used this in "Lambie and the McStuffins Babies" when the other toys were asked to help Lambie make baby deliveries.

    Hallie: Don't forget the hippo. "Helpings" my middle name.

  • Missing Mom: The Jack-in-the-Boxes Big Jack and Little Jack. They're a father-and-son team, but there's no mom.
  • Mix-and-Match Critters: In "A Pet for Everyone," the Wicked King creates the Perfectly Royal Perfect Pet Pavilion which allows toys to create designer pets. When the McStuffins Pet Rescue Team has to break in at night to rescue Bob, a non-designer pet toy dog that Hallie has decided to adopt, they end up accidentally creating a designer pet as well. It has a rubber duck head, a squirrel tail, rabbit and cat ears and parts from various other animals. The Wicked King itself ends up adopting it.
  • Multi-Part Episode: Season 3 has "Stuffy & Squibbles" taking place right after "A Dragon's Best Friend". Also there's "Baby McStuffins", "Runaway Love" and "Hooty's Duty" where these episodes took place during the preparations of Maya's arrival. Also episodes "Bringing Home Baby", "Baby Names" and "Night Night, Lala" all took place on one whole day.
    • Season 4 has episodes "First Day of Med School" where Stuffy, Lambie and Chilly first become Med Students and all got hospital coats, "Stuffy Gets His Scrubs" where Stuffy first got his hospital scrubs, "Night Shift" where Lambie first got her hospital scrubs and "Check-Up Chilly" where Chilly first got his hospital scrubs. All these episodes took place right after "Welcome to McStuffinsville".
  • My Little Panzer: In the episode Rip Heard 'Round The World, Apparently, Sir Kirby's sword is sharp enough to cut a rip through Lambie's plush when she was accidentally swung hard by Doc into the Sir Kirby who was brandishing his sword accessory. Magic can be ruled out since the toys were inanimate when that happened, and plush fabric don't tear easily. The only plausible explanation is that the sword accessory is made of real sharpened steel.
  • New Baby Episode: In "Bringing Home Baby", the McStuffins family adopts and brings home Maya the baby note Although it's not until "Baby Names" that she's named Maya. Lala the stuffed koala tries her best to make her feel welcome.
  • New Powers as the Plot Demands:
    • "Let the Nightingale Sing" reveals that Doc's magic stethoscope not only can animate toys, but is also apparently capable of transporting both her and them into the real life version of a scene depicted in a book, something apparently even she wasn't sure it could do until she actually tried it and it worked. She's so excited about meeting the real life Florence Nightingale as a child that she decides to double down and break another show convention by revealing the stethoscope's magical animating powers to her.
    • In "The Doc McStuffins Christmas Special," she uses it to go back in time a day to save Christmas, another power that had never been mentioned before.
  • New Season, New Name: "Doc McStuffins: Toy Hospital" for the fourth season and "Doc McStuffins: Pet Rescue/Baby/Ultimate Safari/Arctic Rescue" for the fifth season.
  • No Celebrities Were Harmed:
    • The name of the Gulpy Gulpy Gators toy was actually a nod to Hungry Hungry Hippos. Bonus points for being only one letter down!
    • Dress-up Daisy is a Barbie expy.
    • There are a number of other toys with features that are based on real-life toys, some more obviously than others. That said, there are no toys seen on the show that exist in real life, save the previously mentioned Defictionalization of many toys that are original to the show. That, and the Pooh characters, but they're a special case.
  • No Indoor Voice: One of Doc's patients was a toy cell phone that kept talking too loudly. At first she thought something was wrong with his volume control, but it just turned out that he had no indoor voice and talked loudly whenever he got excited.
  • Once per Episode: Used to be true of the "Time for Your Checkup" song. In some latter installments it is absent, but "Hey, What's Going On?" is used instead.
    • There is another original song called "Get Your Pet to the Vet". It normally appears in Pet Vet episodes.
    • "Lambie's Lullaby", a song sung by Lambie that appears in three episodes "Lambie Stuffy Switcharoo", "Lambie and the McStuffins Babies" and "Adventures in Babyland". In "Adventures in Babyland", this song was renamed as "Cuddle Up", and it is sung by Doc and Hallie.
    • "The Big Sleepover", "Willow's Wonky Whiskers", "Get-Well Gus Gets Well", "Lambie Stuffy Switcharoo", "The Emergency Plan" and "The Doc McStuffins Christmas Special" were the only six episodes that didn't use any of original songs.
    • The song "One Toy at a Time" was used in two episodes "Doc's Busy Day" and "The Doc McStuffins Christmas Special".
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: "Doc" McStuffins doesn't go by any other name - even her parents call her "Doc." Word of God, based on merchandise releases, is that her real name is "Dottie". Finally made canon in "The Doctor Will See you Now", when the receptionist at the doctor's office calls Doc "Dottie McStuffins".
  • OOC Is Serious Business: Sometimes, the first sign something is wrong is when someone acts unusually:
    • In one episode, Ricardo, who is usually a very fast toy race car, can't drive. Downplayed though, as he's not broken; he just needs to recharge.
    • In "Doctoring the Doc", the toys become worried when Doc isn't being energetic like usual, and makes a mistake (asking for the tweezers instead of the otoscope) despite usually not making mistakes. It turns out that she's behaving that way because she has the flu.
    • Downplayed in "Tea Party Tantrum", where the usually-cheerful Susie being cranky is a sign that something is wrong, but it's only Sleep Deprivation; not anything serious.
  • Origins Episode: "Bringing Home Baby" features several flashbacks to Doc's early life, showing how she got each of her main toy friends, how she got her magic stethoscope and learned of its power to bring toys to life, and how she came to be a toy doctor.
  • Pantsless Males, Fully-Dressed Females: Anna the female stuffed monkey wears a bow on her head and a skirt without underwear, but her brother, Ben, only wears a bowtie.
  • Percussive Maintenance: In "Stuck Up," before giving his toy to Doc to fix, the boy had tried banging it with no success.
  • Pie in the Face: In "Toy Hospital: Welcome to McStuffinsville," Stanley gets pied by his own trap that he set. He then gets ice cream on the head because it was set to "pie a la mode."
    • Also in "Yip, Yip, Boom!", when Stuffy tries to ask Peaches Pie if she has seen Squibbles, some pies landed on his head.
  • Punny Name:
    • Ben and Anna. They're huggy monkeys, which uses Velcro to cuddle up to each other. Guess what monkeys are stereotyped to like eating in media...
    • And then there's the title of the episode. At first, it may seem like a case of Exactly What It Says on the Tin or Word Salad Title, but after a while the Punny Name joke settles in, and you realize why you're craving for dessert whenever you tried to make sense of the title.
  • Race Lift: An unofficial merchandise example— in Buenos Aires, Argentina, some stores are selling a Doc that looks at best Ambiguously Brown, and at worst, white. It's no surprise, therefore, that those living in South America often purchase official Doc merchandise online.
  • Rearrange the Song: The show's theme song was given a new, much jazzier arrangement with altered lyrics and a new vocalist when the Toy Hospital was introduced.
  • Record Needle Scratch Used twice in the episode "Blazer's Bike". On a Once an Episode song, nonetheless.
  • Real Life Writes the Plot: Chris Nee was inspired to create the program because her son has asthma and there have been a lot of scary doctor's visits. Her son refers to the program as "my show."
  • Ridiculously Cute Critter: Squibbles meets the definition - he's basically a ball of fuzz that looks a lot the voorpaks from Star Wars, but much more colorful.
  • Right Behind You: A benign example in the Christmas Episode. The elf is talking about how happy he is that he didn't let down Santa Claus when he realizes that Santa is right behind him. Santa, however, is happy with his work and gives him a promotion to the top of the ranks.
  • Robot Dog: Liv is a toy rover to accompany Liv, a space-explorer toy, who behaves pretty much like a dog.
  • The Runaway: Donnie tries to be this in "Runaway Love" when he's worried that he won't be loved anymore when the new baby comes, but he doesn't get very far.
  • Running Gag:
    • Chilly keeps forgetting he's not really made of snow and always worries he might melt.
    • While not as frequent as Chilly's melting worries, scenes with the Wicked King sometimes reference his lack of arms and hands.
  • Running on All Fours: Lambie does this in most episodes in the first three seasons, and also does this in some Season 4 episodes.
  • Santa Claus: The elf in the Christmas Episode spends most of the episode avoiding him because he's worried about what Santa will think of him. Santa, however, likes his work and gives him a promotion. He also reveals that he's been following Doc McStuffins' career with considerable interest and offers her a job, but she declines.
  • Scary Science Words: In the episode "Doctoring the Doc", Doc tells Chilly he has "stuffed-belly-itis". He freaks out and nervously asks what that means, but she says it just means his belly is full of stuffing.
  • Screams Like a Little Girl:
    • Stuffy does this in some sources.
    • Same with Sir Kirby, especially in the episode "A Day Without Cuddles".
  • Shared Universe: Doc McStuffins is now official in the same universe with the Disney Winnie-the-Pooh franchise and Christopher Robin. See Crossover above.
  • Shoulder-Sized Dragon: Stuffy, despite being a toy, qualifies for this trope due to his canon size.
  • Shout-Out:
    • One episode is called "Awesome Possums".
    • The names of the Walkie Talkies in Walkie-Talkie Time were probably not chosen at random.
    • Towards the end of "Commander No," Commander Crush tells Gloria that "I have and always shall be your spacetastically devoted friend." It's possible it may not be a deliberate reference, but it's certainly very similar to Spock's line to Kirk in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan: "I have been... and always shall be... your friend."
    • In "Dragon's Best Friend," Stuffy specifically states of Squibbles that "I'm gonna love him and hug him and call him George." The trope does't actually happen, though, because Stuffy knows to be careful. Also, when Squibbles whimpers at this, Stuffy demurs and says they'll stick with "Squibbles."
    • In "Smitten With a Kitten," Chilly suggests that the reason a toy kitten isn't able to talk is because a sea witch stole her voice.
    • In "Ticklish Truck," when a Blanket Fort is knocked over as part of a game, Professor Hootsburgh states "We can rebuild it. We have the technology. Better than before."
    • In "Tour de McStuffins," when the biker toy Stella twists her leg, Chilly yells out "Stella! Stella!" in the same way as Stanley in A Streetcar Named Desire.
    • "Liv Long and Pawsper" is named after the famous phrase from Star Trek: The Original Series.
    • In "Into the Hundred Acre Wood," when the group arrives in the Hundred Acre Wood and are worried about possible dangers, Chilly suggests "lions, tigers and bears," to which Hallie replies "Oh my!" One of them then points out the fact that they're actually looking for a bear, then a bit later, Stuffy gets pounced by Tigger.
  • Show Within a Show: Doc's toy Hallie originates as a character from a television show called The Hallie Hippo Happy Hour. She's very popular, so a lot of children dress up as her for Halloween.
  • Sick Episode:
    • Doc in "Doctoring the Doc"
    • Donny in "Bubble Monkey, Blow Your Nose!"
    • Coleslaw the hamster in "Take Your Pet to the Vet"
  • Sleep Aesop: In "Tea Party Tantrum", Doc and Emmie stay up late and when they wake up, they are all groggy and spacey. Later, they catch up on their sleep, but Susie Sunshine is sleep-deprived from having her eyes stuck open, which makes her uncharacteristically grumpy. The entire episode has a theme about sleep being important.
  • Slice of Life: A show about a six year old and her day to day life as a toy repair lady, toys magically brought alive through a magical MacGuffin not withstanding.
  • Sliding Scale of Living Toys:
    • The toys on the show seem to fall somewhere between Level 2 and 3. They are brought to life by Doc's magic stethoscope, but they only ever speak to her and other toys, and Doc alerts them to "go stuffed" if anyone else approaches. They still don't seem to have a consciousness while inanimate, though, as evidenced when Doc accidentally cut up Lambie and she didn't even notice until Doc pointed it out later in the episode.
    • The five other non-toy characters the toys speak to is an elf and Father Christmas in "A Very McStuffins Christmas," named Tobias, a young girl in "Let the Nightingale Sing" named Florence Nightingale (strongly implied to be the), Grandma McStuffins in "Welcome to McStuffinsville" and a boy named Dev in "First Responders to the Rescue".
    • The above four episodes suggest this series leans more towards Level 3.
    • The toys are also often alive in front of human babies including Maya and Suki unless someone besides Doc is around which leans more towards to Level 4.
  • Sneeze Interruption: In "Doctoring the Doc", Doc is trying to say she has a diagnosis about Chilly's soft belly, but can only say, "I have a di—" before sneezing.
  • Something Itis: Most of Doc McStuffins's diagnoses for toys follow this format. It's somewhat justified given the target demographic, and that they're modified versions of real life diseases and sicknesses that are fairly accurate to real life.
  • Special Guest: First Lady Michelle Obama appears as herself in one episode where she invites Doc and her toys to the White House.
  • Species Equals Gender: Inverted with the toy gorilla as she is female and most gorillas in cartoons and other fictional works are male. Played straight with Hallie the hippo and Lambie the lamb as hippos and sheep in cartoons tend to be female.
  • Spin-Off: The Doc Files, a short filler series that recaps the stories in the main show that airs between commercials in Disney Junior feeds that has them, or after the main show in commercial-free Disney Junior feeds.
  • Stealth Pun: Hermy the crab has a Boston accent. "Boston crab" is the name of a wrestling hold.
  • St. Patrick's Day Episode: In "St. Patrick's Day Dilemma", Doc's new Irish paper doll Fiona gets her dress dirty on St. Patrick's Day and refuses to change until Doc explains that an important part of staying healthy is staying clean.
  • Superhero Episode:
    • "Wrap it Up" shows Doc, Lambie, Stuffy, The Wicked King and Nyles playing superheroes.
    • Especially episodes focusing on Awesome Guy like "Righty on Lefty" or "Awesome Guy's Awesome Arm".
  • Surprise Party: "Hallie's Happy Birthday" has Doc and the other toys throwing a surprise Birthday Party for Hallie.
  • Talking in Your Sleep
    • "Top Lamb" shows that Doc sometimes talks in her sleep.

    Doc McStuffins: Diagnosis... checkup...

    • In "Toy Hosptial: The Most Impatient Patient," Bronty comments "I chase a ball," in his sleep.
  • That Reminds Me of a Song: At least Once per Episode (actually, twice per story). Trust us, it's quite a musical show.
  • Theme Naming:
    • The show has a penchant for using names that end in a long-e sound (ee). Most of the main characters as well as a majority of the regularly recurring characters follow this rule. Lambie, Stuffy, Hallie, Chilly, Donnie, Emmie, Henry, Kirby, Daisy and Bronty are only a few examples of those who have been given prevalent roles in more than one episode. Doc technically also follows this rule as her real name is Dottie, but it is subverted as she is referred to in show as Doc. There's also the Wicked King, whose real name is Percy.
    • Because the other main ensemble (Lambie, Stuffy, Hallie and Chilly) follows the same naming motif, Doc's nickname qualifies as a Odd Name Out to emphasize her importance.
    • The new adoptive baby sister, Maya, doesn't follow the motif, but then again, perhaps that's what happens when you wait to the last minute to name your kid (see Last-Minute Baby Naming above) and end up leaving the naming to one of Doc's toys. (Though Doc's family believes the name came from Doc herself.)
  • Third-Person Person: Count Clarence, a cardboard bat toy, is this, and he always appends it with "the Magnificent." There's also Lala, which is unsurprising, given that she's a baby toy and already speaks using Baby Talk. Though she's perfectly capable of using personal pronouns and seems to be inconsistent with it.

    Lala: Oh, no. Did I get thrown out of the baby's room 'cause baby doesn't like Lala?

  • Title, Please!: Episode title cards were shown at the beginning of every episode in the first four seasons, but in the fifth season, they're no longer shown, but they can still be heard.
  • Title Theme Tune: DOC-MC-STUFF-INS, DOC-MC-STUFF-INS...
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: Hallie is the tomboy and Lambie is the girly girl.
  • Totally Radical: Sometimes some of the older toys or ones about specific subject matter use slang such as "Far out." This once got Doc an odd look from her Dad when she described a meteor shower as being "Far out" after hearing the phrase from her toy telescope.
  • Un-Evil Laugh
    • In "Boo-Hoo to You!", the Halloween Episode, when Doc McStuffin's dad tries for an Evil Laugh, it comes out really weak and Doc tells him that he might want to keep trying on it.
    • In "Toy Hospital: Welcome to McStuffinsville," the half-lion/half-bunny toy Stanley gives a sort of weird barking/coughing laugh when trying for an evil laugh. This become a Running Gag throughout until finally Stanley's broken heart is fixed and he rediscovers his happy laugh, which everyone likes.

    Tiggley: What was that?

    Stanley: It's my laugh of evil.

    Tiggley: Yeah, needs some work.

  • Unwanted Rescue: In the Christmas Episode, Stuffy doesn't want to be rescued when Lambie and Chilly come for him because he's getting a special plush toy treatment. The two soon join him.
  • Valentine's Day Episodes: "My Huggy Valentine / Dusty Bear" premiered on February 1, 2013. In the first story, a stuffed heart named Val was taking over the cuddles for Doc and the other toys which made Lambie really down and had the case of Split Heartitis. In the second story, a stuffed bear named Teddy B has the case of the Dusty Musties which means Donny is allergic to dust.
  • Visible Odor: In "Brontosaurus Breath," Bronty's bad breath due to a bit of salami stuck in his teeth is represented as a sickly green odor.
  • Visual Pun: Quackson is a toy duck who tries to fix other toys, only to make them worse. In other words, she's a literal quack doctor.
  • The Vitruvian Pose: Doc has a Vitruvian teddy bear picture on one of the walls of her clinic.
  • Vocal Evolution: In Season 1, Stuffy's voice sounded a little bit low. By around mid-Season 2, it started to sound more higher.
  • The Voiceless:
    • Even though the Doc's magic stethoscope brings toys to life and allows them to speak, Squeakers can still only squeak.

    Hallie: I dunno! I don't speak squeak!

    • Also, in the "Pet Vet" episodes, any toy described as a "toy pet" is this.
    • Same with the toy babies.
  • We Need a Distraction: In the episode "Hallie's Happy Birthday", Doc and the other toys are preparing a surprise birthday party for Hallie at the clinic. First, they have to sneak all the decorations and the Birthday Cupcake into the checkup room without Hallie seeing them. Doc asks Hallie to check the other toys (who some were pretending to be sick) in at the front of the clinic while Doc, Lambie and Stuffy start decorating the back of the clinic. Later, Sir Kirby distracts Hallie by dancing silly while the rest of the gang brings the decorations into the back of the clinic. Then Doc takes off Hallie's glasses while taking her to the back of the clinic so that she can't see everything until after she gets settled.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Stuffy

    Stuffy: Why did it have to be spiders? Dragons hate spiders.

    • Also Why Did It Have To Be A Needle? said word-for-word for Boomer the soccer ball.
  • Year Inside, Hour Outside: Exaggerated with the McStuffins Toy Hospital world. When Grandma McStuffins tells Doc that she'll probably be spending a lot of time there, Doc wonders about her parents worrying about where she is. As Grandma explains...

    Grandma McStuffins: No time passes while you're in here. They won't even notice you're gone.

  • You Can Talk?
    • The flashback in "Bringing Home Baby" shows that his was Doc's reaction along with general confusion when she first got her magic stethoscope and heard her stuffed animals talking for the first time.
    • In "First Responders to the Rescue," the boy Dev has this reaction when he discovers Chilly in his room, searching for Dev's hurt toy, and Chilly slips up and talks.
  • You, Get Me Coffee: In "Rockstar Ruby," Ruby the rock star toy has quit singing because her microphone is broken and asks Doc to give her another job. She makes Ruby her office assistant and gives her a large stack of papers to file while everyone else sings and plays music until she can't take it anymore.
  • You Won't Feel a Thing!: The whole clinic staff uttered this exact phrase to an uneasy Niles while trying to get his bandages off. Of course, Niles was expecting it to hurt. Inverted in that they proceeded to carefully take off most of the bandages while Niles wasn't paying attention, so he naturally felt nothing when Doc told him it was time to take them off and pulled a little piece of bandage still on him.
    • The "Time for Your Checkup" song has the line "It'll only tickle a little".
    • Also in some episodes when a toy has to have an operation at the Clinic or Toy Hospital, Doc uses her magic stethoscope to put him or her to sleep so that he or she won't feel anything while being operated on.


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